Tuesday, February 14, 2012

David & Bathsheba

David was a strong and magnificent king. He was able to do what many had tried and failed to do before him, which was to unite all of Israel under a single ruler. He conquered the Philistines following his youthful defeat of Goliath the giant. He was close to the Lord, compassionate (you will remember how many times he spared Saul's life) and pure in heart, for the Lord looked on his heart and found it to be good. 

Despite David's greatness, he would fall out of favor with the Lord and lose the privilege of building a temple, the House of the Lord, in Israel. How is it that so great a one could fall? It did not happen all at once, nor did it happen by premeditation; rather, it began by David being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We read that David remained home during the season of battle instead of accompanying his troops where he should have been to enjoy the comforts of home life. It was this simple decision which lead to his being on his roof on that night to see Bathsheba. It was the beginning of a series of increasingly bad choices which would lead David to not only lose a son, but also perhaps his exaltation.

We learn two great lessons from David's truly tragic example: 1. Be in the right place at the right time. 2. Just look away. Had David been where he should have been none of his tragic fall would have happened, moreover, had he had the courage to look away once he did find himself in a bad place, he would have spared himself the entire thing. David did neither and we have his example to learn from. 

In life when we find ourselves tempted to be in the wrong place, or doing the wrong thing, remember the cautionary tale of David. It may seem like no big deal, but big things never really happen unless they start out small. And if by chance we are in a bad place at a bad time, have the courage to look away. Sometimes running away is the most courageous act of all, especially when it comes to matters of our eternal virtue and integrity. 

- Bro. Gough