Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Old Testament

"In the Old Testament course, you learn of the creation and fall of man, the foundation for the temple endowment. You learn what a prophet is. You become familiar with such words as obedience, sacrifice, covenant, Aaronic, Melchizedek, and priesthood. The whole basis for Judaic-Christian law, indeed for Islam, is taught to you.

The “why” of tithes and offerings is explained. You read prophecies of the coming Messiah and of the restoration of the gospel. You see Elijah demonstrate the sealing power and hear Malachi prophesy that Elijah would be sent with the keys of the sealing authority.

In seminary you learn to know the Old Testament. Now almost abandoned by the Christian world, it remains to us a testament of Jesus Christ."

These remarks by President Packer summarize wonderfully the seminary course of Old Testament study. This often overlooked book is essential in our understanding of how our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ have operated throughout the dispensations of this world. It stands as a witness of the great Jehovah, the god of Abraham and Isaac who would come to earth in the Meridian of Time as foreseen by Isaiah to fulfill the letter of the law given to Moses on Sinai and the covenants given to our fathers down from Adam to Enoch, to Noah, Abraham, and Elijah.

As we undertake the second half of the Old Testament with the New Year, I pray that we may recommit to this text, which has been preserved through the millennia to come down to us in our day as a witness of the faith and hope of our fore-bearers; faith that Jesus is the Christ, that He would and did come, and that through Him and by Him we can in a very real sense receive forgiveness of our sins and partake of the joy and happiness that our Heavenly Father has in store for us.

I promise you (Matthew & Carlos) that as you commit to your reading - do it every day - you will not only gain a stronger testimony of Jesus Christ, but you will be shielded from the very real trials of your day-to-day lives and be fortified and strengthened in your commitment to follow the Savior.

- Brother Gough

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